The Gwombi Clan re-invade Red Hatchet

A few weeks ago I blogged about VALLEY OF GWOMBI drawing some interest but not being able to say anything about it. While that's still the case for the most part, I can say that I've had to totally neglect DREDD MANOR for the last week because I've been creating a promotional trailer for GWOMBI. Going back and looking at the GWOMBI films again after almost a year has really made me look at it in a new light. I can't really say any more at this point, but keep your fingers crossed for the GWOMBIS!
In other news, I was recently invited by Producer/Writer/ Personality/Boyfriend Extraordinnaire Gary Green to put together an animated opening sequence for his and his partner Steve Elliot's rowdy and risque talk-show, FOR THE BOYS. Of course I was thrilled to be offered such an assignment, and couldn't wait to start trying to interpret my two dear friends into clay. They're not finished yet, but they wouldn't shut up about wanting to have their picture taken (especially mini-Gary!) so I took a couple pics of them this afternoon. Here they are in real life, followed by their mini-sized counterparts. Aren't they cute?

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