Yes, as unbelievable as it seems to write that, today saw the completion of the stop-motion portion of "Mythic Journeys" which it has been my pleasure to be a part of. It's been just over a year since Steve & Whitney Boe and I started the very early preproduction on this special project, and today, suddenly, it was all done. What started out as a 3 month production schedule turned into 9 months as the directors' visions for the project grew, and all of us on the technical side worked really hard to make it happen.
I'd like to give a personal shout out and huge THANK YOU to my friends Kelly Mazurowski, who got our software and cameras going, Cam Leeburg for helping me animate some really awesome shots, Dick Kaneshiro for bringing in his AMAZING motion control rig--an invention I am in awe of and can't wait to work with again! Also the awesome Todd Smith for being in on this from the beginning and being a fantastic technical director. Leo Gotlibowski, you mad Argentinian genius, I cannot wait to work with you again. Jeannette Baitty for recreating Wendy Froud's costumes so perfectly! Tennessee Reid Norton for his expert consultations on how to get rid of evil flickering, and downtown Sarah Brown for creating some beautiful backdrops for us. To the other talented animators: Tom Smith, Justin Rasch, Jason Gottlieb, Matt Manning, Pete Levin--who spent insane hours in the garage/animation studio. I've gotten to see all these folks work come together and let me tell you, it's really going to be something.
And of course, to the unstoppable team of Steven & Whitney Boe, who should be the model for every husband/wife production company. They do what they love every day-- make movies--with each other. I can't think of a better way to live.
In other news AMBERSONS 7 IS ALSO WRAPPED! We only have ONE more episode of the AMBERSONS left! Who will survive??? What lies in store for the intrepid time travelers? Tune in and see!