Georgie goes Southwest

I got a call a couple days ago from my friends over at The Daily Reel saying that they had been offered a block of time to showcase some of their favorite films at this year's South By Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival in Austin, TX...and lil' GEORGIE'S WISH got an invitation to come along! I have to admit I'm in love with the entire TDR staff (and you too, GG). They're young, cute, smart and have EXCELLENT (or at least highly-questionable) taste, and have really helped me gain exposure for my work (just like you, GG). Thanks especially to Alex, Felicia, and Spencer for championing Red Hatchet Films' not-so-fluffy-yet-cute-in-a-dark-sense vision. You can read about TDR's SXSW Showcase here.
Principal photography on ADVENTURES WITH THE AMBERSONS, EPISODE 2 is finished. Sound mixing is happening now, and I plan to have a rough cut done by this Thursday. Stay tuned!
Sweet! Congratulations on getting into SXSW!
Man -- you've got to find time to squeeze in "making of" posts! It's astonishing that you're almost already done with ep 2 of the Ambersons -- but I want to know more about how you did it!
And here is the supply of exclamation points that I didn't have a proper opportunity to put into use during this comment:
...Expect to see more of them in the future. ;-D ]
It's a craaaazy schedule, true! I'm taking a week off for a much needed break, so I'll write more soon!
Looks like you and Shelley had a blast over at Halfland...I'm jealous! :)
yes.... it really is incredible that you guys are done with the actual fast.
I too am very interested in the little things of your project too.
a few behind the scenes pics go along way in feeding the hungry piranah infested blog waters.
and Sven , I am the king of the Exclamation point!!!!! and duke of the Powerfull points.....................
how dare you insult me with your mighty line of exclamations.
Oh my, Justin... >:-)
I would never claim to be the king of the exclamation point! And I gladly cede that mighty domain to you!
True, I have an arsenal of that fine gramatical marker, ever ready for use...
But really it is in my use of the humble ellipsis that I reign...
Just give me a sentence to write; I can make anything trail off...
Ahhh, Svengali...I notice your humble ellipsis have only the usual three very...common.......
nobody trails off like me.........
Congrats on SXSW MG!
Ouch, man... That hurts!
Little black tears...
[ ;-) ]
Wow, this is cool, man! I never noticed that you used pearl-colored beads before. I don't blame you, though. You can get those everywhere. It's the white ones that are friggin' scarce.
*trips over Sven's head*
Hey, who put this here?
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