Fun times at the H.P.Lovecraft Film Festival!!

I also got to meet Craig Mullins of UNFILMABLE.COM, which is THE place on the internet to learn about all things connected to Lovecraftian cinema. Craig gave me invaluable feedback when I first finished FROM BEYOND and needed a hardcore Lovecraft fan to tell me that I was either on the mark, or off (he assured me that I was on). For such an afficionado of horror films, I have to say that Craig seems like one of the most down-to-earth, genuine guys and if you saw him on the street you'd never suspect what horrors lurk on his dvd shelf!
Speaking of lurking horrors, if you plan on attending the Lovecraft Film Festival I recommend renting your hotel room waaay in advance. Otherwise you might wind up at the notorious PALMS MOTOR HOTEL. This was the tenth place I called for a room a MONTH before the festival and it was the first one to have a room available. I called them based on the suspiciously high rating of 9.1 listed on some Portland Hotel-Finder Guide. Having seen it firsthand, I'm pretty sure those numbers were reversed..or maybe I stumbled upon a Hotel-Finder for crystal meth addicts and prostitutes. Boyfriend Gary had the worst time of it, since the wireless internet access we were told was available (which he needs for his job) did NOT work unless he was sitting out by the office manager's door, shivering in the cold. I will say this for the Palms, tho--they got one bitch-ass cool sign:

Later that night it was on to the screening of Shorts Block 3, in which I got to see DREDD MANOR and FROM BEYOND on the big screen at last! It was so exciting to see DREDD MANOR in a packed got LOADS of laughs! There's a lot of humor in DM, but I think horror film fans know it's cool to laugh and non-horror fans are just, well, horrified. The crowd on Saturday got all the jokes, and it was so much fun to hear all that laughter.

A few films later, FROM BEYOND hit the screen, and I got really nervous. FB is one of Lovecraft's best-loved stories, and here it was playing for the first time in a room full of die-hard fans...INCLUDING my favorite actress/scream-queen of all time, the impossibly gorgeous BARBARA CRAMPTON, who starred in horror maestro Stuart Gordon's Lovecraft-based films RE-ANIMATOR, CASTLE FREAK, and, of course, FROM BEYOND!
After the Shorts Block we reconvened for an awards ceremony, hosted by Festival Director Andrew Migliore, along with special-guest presenter, Barbara Crampton!

To all the folks at the H.P.Lovecraft Film Festival, I have to say congratulations on doing such an amazing job of making everyone feel welcome and creating an atmosphere where we can treasure our excitement about genre films. Thanks to Andrew Migliore for being such a great host...I look forward to attending future festivals when I can spend more time enjoying the full experience. But the guy who made this weekend the best ever was, as always, my beautiful man, Gary.

Hey MG. Thanks for posting the update on the fest and congrats on taking home an award! Also just caught up on reading your recent behind-the-scenes posts which were great.
Thanks, Grant! I've got one more behind-the-scenes post coming up for "Georgie", and hopefully many more on the next project AS it's happening, not after-the-fact...
It's a good thing you DIDN'T have strep considering you were making out with your idol, Ms. Crampton. I love you too, MG.
Congrats, sounds like an unbelievable time!!! Can you post a better pic of the Brownie?
I've had a little BrownJenkins puppet crawling around in my brain for a few months :)
And hey, its nice to see Sven alive and kicking after being shut away in the armature factory for the last few weeks :D
Thank god you were there to take PICS of me making out with lovely Barbara C, Gary, or none of my horror-movie stoner-buds on the east coast would ever believe me :)...
I'll try to get a good close-up of Mr. Jenkins on here a.s.a.p., Jeff. It really is a fantastic little sculpture, quite horrifying, and fits in perfectly with my decor. Sven is a treat--very much alive--and one of the main reasons I'm keen on visiting Portland again. He and partner Gretchin are just all-around cool, and I look forward to spending more quality time with them and seeing what Scarlet Star Studios is all about...
Wow, what a weird co-incidence! I just started re-reading some Lovecraft a few nights ago. Maybe I was picking up the vibes through the ether? One day I must enter a fim in that festival!
And congratulations on the win! So cool!
I was at the Festival this weekend and I enjoyed all your films. From Beyond was my favorite, very appropriately icky. I'm looking forward to further episodes of Dredd Manor. You're obviously willing to put your hero through hell. Heh heh.
Yeah... Dredd Manor... how did I not see that one before? Wow.... I gots me some comments, guess I'll post 'em on the DM page.
Hey David! Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you dug the films...I hope I get to make more Dredd Manor, too, as my leading man has a LOT more hell in store and monsters to face!
Mike, you should totally enter the Lovecraft fest...they would love your artistic vision!
HI Michael,
Thanks for the kind words regarding the Brownie. Although we didn't get a chance to meet, I can assure you that your adaptation of From Beyond was my favorite film that played at the fest.
You are indeed an artist of measure and I look forward to more great Lovecraftian films from you.
All good wishes,
Bryan Moore
Wow, Micheal, these are comments of high praise and congratulations indeed!
And I can't believe you and Sven have met in person!!! None of his (non-Gretchin) friends have yet! Cool.
Oh, Shelley, Sven's a treat, and Gretchin, too! I only regret it was such a short trip, I would have loved to have taken a tour of Scarlet time, tho, next time... :)
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