Over the next few posts I'm going to attempt to make up for the fact that I always forget to take pictures of my characters as they are being built. I spend so much time reading the blogs of other incredibly talented artists like
Grant Goans,
Jeffrey Roche, Shelley Noble, and
Mike Brent who DO take pictures that I get all excited and forget entirely. I took some pics of the puppets from
GEORGIE'S WISH which I'll be uploading over the next couple of days to make up for my being such a slacker...
At the top of the post is, of course, the whole cast photo, posing with the oversized cake top that was made for the title shot complete with burning candles. I sculpted the cake top over an old metal candy tin that I had in my "Misc. Supplies" box, which always seems to have whatever weird item I need when I need it.
Silly Georgie! If your legs don't show, you don't get pants! You're lucky you have LEGS! Due to the insane time constraints of this no-frills production, all of the puppets (with the exception of one doberman pincer) were recycled or drafted from other projects. Georgie was built up over a puppet I originally made for
DREDD MANOR that wasn't used (hence the "gingerbread man" legs). The shirt was made out of an old shirt that used to look good on me, but I think it looks much better on him.

Iiiiiiiiit's Grandpa! I have to say, I love this puppet the most. Not just because of his dashing good looks, but because it is my best-built armature to date, having played Adam Wellsbrook in
DREDD MANOR, Episode 1, (and the opening scenes of the still in-production
DMep2), the Mouthless Boy in the video for
PUNDING, and now Grandpa. All his limbs have broken off and been reattached at least once, but the overall construction has held up really well. I've decided to retire him now, because a.) I really like Grandpa, and b.) I'm tired of fixing his broken joints, and it's just gonna get worse. If you ever come to my house, you'll find Grandpa resting comfortably in the Stop Motion Shrine of Coolness with other retired puppets and animation memorabilia (including one incredibly rare and highly collectible
HALFLAND button! Thanks, Shelley!).
More to come...
Excellent!!! A glimpse into Red hatchet Studio! Even just the group photo helps to understand how you do it, but I can't wait to see the real goods.
...And hey... Is that Quasimodo as a gravedigger??!!?!??
Yur velcuumin, Micheal. I've got a shine of sorts going too. I grab pix online everytime I come across a cool shot of a 3D animator working on set, from the classics to present day. I've got Darkstrider's web cam (which I'm supoosed to be using) and Sven B's Coraline or Bust promotional booklet, Ubatuber's Jenny G woodblock... In fifty years the collection will be worth millions.
Yes, please do show us the funny (more films!) And how you make 'em. It really helps to see.
Haha! Not Quasimodo, but close! If I had a Quasi, I'd recycle him too...everything gets recycled around here until there's nothing left!
I'd love to see that shrine, Shelley, it sounds really great! Did I read that you went to the "It's Alive" exhibit at the AMPA&S? Wasn't it a trip to see all those Harryhausen models up close??
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