Monday, March 26, 2007

FROM BEYOND goes over Down Under

Just heard from the directors of A Night of Horror Short Film Festival in Sydney, Australia: FROM BEYOND won an award for Best Lovecraft Film! It's nice to be recognized for creating what others feel is a worthy adaptation of Lovecraft, who is notoriously difficult to translate to the screen. I experienced that difficulty intensely as I sweated over the script for five months. It was definitely worth it, as folks have been genuinely enthusiastic about FB's depiction of stop-mo creepy-crawlies from another dimension.

In other news, AMBERSONS 2 is just about done. The folks at SuperDeluxe really dug the rough cut and I've just handed over a 2nd pass incorporating some minimal changes. Thank god for outside eyes...after 6 weeks of animation I have no objectivity. Wish I could say more but you know, confidentiality and all...screen caps coming soon!


Blogger jriggity said...

Awesome man!!!

your kickin ass all over the planet!

cant wait to see the next meet the ambersons.


12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tim hunter found you and says, "slurp".


9:35 PM  
Blogger Michael Granberry said...

Shouldn't be too long, Justin, but I think you'll be getting a sneak viewing before then!

Hey, Tim, thanks for dropping by!

5:19 PM  

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