A few months ago I came across The Daily Reel, a website created to, in their words: "...showcase the best in online video. TDR’s mission is to sift through the [crap], find the good stuff, and show you what you need to watch. We devote all of our time and resources to finding the quality content among the hundreds of thousands, even millions of videos that are out there. TDR believes that a handful of these creators represent the future of the medium; we don’t want tomorrow’s filmmakers to go unnoticed today."
"We have assembled a team of film and television critics, pop culture commentators and online mavens from traditional and online media to find the best broadband videos out there. Our contributors come from The New York Times, Variety, The Village Voice, Filmmaker Magazine, The Austin Chronicle, and more."
I loved their website and thought about submitting something to them, but after re-reading the paragraphs above I ultimately chickened out.

But Fate has a way of bringing things full circle. On Tuesday I got an email from an assistant editor at TDR saying that she'd seen A WINTER'S TALE online and asked me to submit it for consideration. I did so, and a few hours later got an email from the managing editor praising the film and telling me that it had been scheduled for immediate inclusion as one of TDR's Top Ten! I can barely describe my joy at getting some vindication for A WINTER'S TALE, a little film I truly love that has yet to be accepted to a single film festival.
So if you're reading this post on Thursday, August 31st, 2006, pleeeeeeaaase go over to THE DAILY REEL, watch A WINTER'S TALE, leave some comments, and click on the ad at the end of the film to help support my little operation here! And to everyone over at TDR (especially Felicia and Alex), THANK YOOOUUU!!!